1:1 with Career Coaching Professionals
Discover if Z1CareerZone is right for you.Explore ProgramWatch VideoZ1CareerZone provides the most comprehensive career training program available today. Our programs teach the skills and provide the tools necessary to help you determine careers where you can excel and thrive. The strategies you learn will not only separate you from the competition, but will also serve you throughout your career.
Hi Touch – High Accountability
Assigned your personal certified coach.
12 Interactive Courses
Packed with unique insight.
29 Proven Experts
Hundreds of years experience.
5 ZonesComprehensive career insight.
Our curriculum is divided into 5 Zones, each Zone focuses on a major topic or two. Each Zone contains 2 or 3 modules for a total of 12 modules which make up what many consider to be the most comprehensive career training program in existence today.
Zone 1
Personal Assessment
3 Online Modules3 Activities3 OnDemand SessionsObjectiveFocus on personal investment through assessment.ExperienceStrengths Finding. Goal Mapping. Value Setting. Career AlignmentOutcomeMarketable elevator pitch. Strong self-promotion skills.Zone 2
The Hiring Process
2 Online Modules2 Activities2 OnDemand SessionsObjectiveUnderstand the hiring process and the power of networking.ExperienceIdentify Key Players. Build Professional Networks. Conduct Informational InterviewsOutcomeStrengthened professional network. Effective resume submittal.Zone 3
Resume and LinkedIn
2 Online Modules2 Activities2 OnDemand SessionsObjectiveCriticality of a professional written resume, updated LinkedIn profile, and reference letters.ExperienceIdentify Hiring Criteria. Resume Walkthrough. Leverage Social MediaOutcomePowerful Resume. Confident self presentation. Productive LinkedIn use.Zone 4
Social Media and Personal Brand
2 Online Modules3 Activities2 OnDemand SessionsObjectiveDevelop and communicate personal branding on social media.ExperienceJob Search Tools. Social Media Conduct. Personal BrandingOutcomeSolidify personal brand. Find new opportunities. Maximize social media outlets.Zone 5
Interviewing Successfully
3 Online Modules3 Activities3 OnDemand SessionsObjectivePreparation for all types and aspects of interviews.ExperienceInterview preparation. Interviewing practice. Big picture questions. Closing strategies.OutcomeSuccessfully interview. Align actions with career goals.
12 Online Modules
The 12 Online Modules make up the entire Z1CareerZone curriculum. Each module is approximately 15 minutes in length and covers a main topic or two that is specific to our customized career training curriculum. Combined, the 12 Online Modules, coupled with our Certified Career Coaches, make up what is considered by many as today’s most comprehensive career training program in existence today.
12 Individual Coaching Sessions
Personalized one on one coaching from one of our certified career coaches. One on one coaching sessions provide clear guidance and accountability while the user navigates through the curriculum. These sessions are typically conducted through online live video sessions and it is the coach’s responsibility to do everything possible to help our users achieve their career goals and aspirations.
StrengthsFinder 2.0 Assessment
This is Gallup’s latest version of the widely accepted career assessment tool. This assessment will show you how to use your natural talents every day to thrive in life and at work. In addition, you will understand that what you do best every day is critical to helping you succeed in your career and every other part of your life. Gallup’s studies indicate that people who focus on their strengths every day are six times more likely to be engaged in their jobs and more than three times more likely to report having an excellent work – life balance.
Strong Interest Inventory
This assessment is one of the world’s most widely respected and frequently used career planning tools. It has helped both academic and business organizations develop the brightest talent and has guided thousands of individuals – from college students to professionals seeking a change – in their search for a rich and fulfilling career. The Strong Interest Inventory provides robust insights into a person’s career interests, helping them to discover potential career paths they may not have considered, and giving them a wealth of information about how they approach the world of work.
Review Quizzes
Following each module, users will receive a quiz that is designed to reinforce critical information that was just learned in a module. The review quizzes serve 3 purposes:
- To Remember Important Content: Repetition is an important element of learning, and one way to repeat content is through our review quizzes. The purpose is to give learners a way to remember what they have learned. In addition, we alternate quiz types, like sequencing and labeling to further enhance the learning process.
- Motivate: Scores are immediately graded, and this motivates the user to go back and seek the correct answer should they not achieve a score of 100%. When people miss a question, they will more likely be motivated to research and review that question before moving on in the curriculum.
- Assess What Was Learned: Of course, we want to know whether people learned something, but we also want to always look for ways to improve our curriculum. Users responses to quizzes can quickly identify areas that may need to be better explained or communicated in a different way insuring maximum comprehension by our users.
Hands-On Activities
Our users are assigned activities throughout the curriculum and each activity has a specific purpose. For example, an activity may take the content that was just learned in a module and guide the user to incorporate that content into a real life scenarios while other activities will focus on assisting the user in better understanding themselves and how that relates specifically to long-term career success.
Professionally Written ResumeExclusive to the Premium program.
Inclusion of a professionally written resume by our resume writing partner. This will typically require several conversations to ensure that your resume exceeds your expectations. In some cases, multiple resume’s may be created to address different types of job opportunities that may surface.
Professional LinkedIn SummaryExclusive to the Premium program.
Inclusion of professionally written LinkedIn Summary by our resume writing partner to make your LinkedIn Summary up to date and relevant to your current career search. Your final LinkedIn Summary will directly align with your professional resume.
Professional Career PortfolioExclusive to the Premium program.
Once you've completed the Z1CareerZone Premium Program, our team, along with your coach, will provide you with a Professional Career Portfolio that is the culmination of the work you have done and tools you have put together throughout the entirety of the program. It is an incredible resource specific for you to use throughout your career. The feedback we have received from our clients when they receive their final copy is always a thrill to observe. The Professional Career Portfolio truly represents the new you and our users finally see the results of all their hard work they have put in throughout the process.
Client PlaybookExclusive to the Premium program.
Our users all receive a Client Playbook which will provide access to a wealth of resources to provide support and information to our users as they progress through the curriculum. It also contains exercises to work through, spaces to add thoughts and questions and reference material for additional learning. The Client Playbook material aligns parallel to the online modules and coaching sessions ensuring consistent and homogeneous content flow.
Premium Program
Let’s break it down.
Our Premium Program is considered by many as today’s most comprehensive one on one career training program. Click around to learn more about the unique and world-class quality this program offers our clients.
Meet Our Coaches
Our Z1CareerZone Certified Career Coaches are the best in the business. They are trained to provide the best services for a variety of clientele and are dedicated to each of their successes. The feedback we receive from our clients on their experiences with our coaches is nothing short of outstanding.
Ty Heckelmann
Certified Career Coach
Kevin Jonell
Certified Career Coach
Lauren Fisher
Certified Career Coach
Dori Klass
Certified Career Coach, e-MBA, PCC
Kristine Thody
Facilitator + Certified Career Coach
Janet Hudson
Facilitator + Certified Career Coach
Sandy Lamb
Certified Career Coach
Jasmine Rice
Facilitator + Certified Career Coach
Features Included | OnDemand Program | Premium Program |
12 Online Modules | ![]() | ![]() |
12 OnDemand Sessions | ![]() | ![]() |
StrengthsFinder Assessment | ![]() | ![]() |
Strong Interest Inventory | ![]() | ![]() |
Review Quizzes | ![]() | ![]() |
Hands-On Activities | ![]() | ![]() |
12 Individual Coaching Sessions | ![]() | |
Professionally Written Resume | ![]() | |
Professional LinkedIn Profile | ![]() | |
Professional Career Portfolio | ![]() |
What's the difference between Premium & OnDemand?
The differences between the Premium Program and the OnDemand Program are the levels of accountability, flexibility and affordability. Our OnDemand Program is completely online and flexible which makes it the most affordable option available today. Our Premium Program offers high touch and high accountability with the unique feature of the one on one personalized coaching sessions.